Introduction to Historic Preservation

10-week course

This course is an introduction to the preservation of the built environment, examining the history and philosophy of historic preservation and how the discipline is practiced today. It will provide the historic framework of how preservation has emerged as a field of specialization and a foundation for understanding preservation issues, terminology, and public policy. Through discussions on the history and guiding principles of historic preservation, the class will explore the secretary of the interior’s standards, national and state register programs, preservation techniques, and the overall benefits of historic preservation.

Required course for certificate in historic preservation.

Instructor:  Cory Kegerise (Fall 2018)
Credits: 2 CEUs; 20 AIA LUs

Cory Kegerise is the Community Preservation Coordinator for Eastern Pennsylvania at the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office.  He provides technical assistance on a wide variety of preservation-related issues to local governments, community organizations, and individuals in a region stretching from Philadelphia to Wayne County.  Immediately prior to joining PHMC, Cory was the Administrator of Local Programs at the Maryland Historical Trust. Cory has also served as the Executive Director of the Elfreth’s Alley Association, worked as a consultant, and as a grants manager for a National & State Heritage Area.  He lives in Germantown and holds a Master’s Degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania and a Bachelor’s Degree in Historic Preservation from the University of Mary Washington.